(D) SWOC Local - Hensol Forest Start List

Sunday 09 February 2025 Competitor Statistics (Total=109, Online=94%) Starts 10:30 to 12:30 - start when ready. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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SI Card  
Name Age
Club Co. Start Time
Blue (34)
18040774Nick Ashby M50 SWOCGBR tba
4HireJohn Seaward M40 SWOCCYM tba
8*8069675Mark Saunders M65 BOKCYM tba (h)
9*8667571Alice Bedwell W65 BOKGBR tba (h)
10*8581950Duncan Innes M60 SWOCGBR tba (h)
11*8681951Christine Farr W50 SWOCGBR tba (h)
158000047Ben Mitchell M21 SBOCGBR tba
168256763Megan Mitchell W21 SBOCGBR tba
178047878Bethan Irwin W45 SBOCGBR tba
188091006Robin Irwin M16 SBOCGBR tba
198667906Anthony Raven M50 SWOCCYM tba
208511766Niall Reynolds M60 SBOCCYM tba
268100260Rob Hick M65 WSXGBR tba
331426926Iestyn Evans M21 SBOCGBR tba
348282828Richard Cronin M35 NGOCCYM tba
35HireJoshua Tremblay M21 SWOCCYM tba
392089673Richard Sharp M60 TVOCGBR tba
44*8657456Clare Ponsford W35 SWOCGBR tba (h)
568680940James Clemence M65 SWOCCYM tba
618037174Seth Lawson M18 NGOCGBR tba
628670602Vanessa Lawson W50 NGOCGBR tba
638401461Peter Ward M55 NGOCGBR tba
648655902Jessica Ward W20 NGOCGBR tba
688013221Masataka Tanaka M21 SWOCGBR tba
798000885Rachel Potter W21 BOKGBR tba
801217702Andy Stott M65 NGOCENG tba
848657538Rhys Manning M40 SWOCCYM tba
878061021Freddie Lake M20 SBOCGBR tba
918069685John Townsend M60 SWOCGBR tba
94HireEdward Thomas M21 INDGBR tba
958190678Thomas Foord M45 SWOCCYM tba
98HireHelena Goode W21 INDCYM tba
107HireZoe Pelech W21 INDGBR tba
1098003116Mark Ponsford M35 SWOCGBR tba

Green (35)
38071053Roger Stein M70 SBOCCYM tba
78641854Peter Ribbans M65 SWOCGBR tba
12*8681947Douglas Innes-Farr M14 SWOCGBR tba (h)
13261207Alan Richards M75 NGOCCYM tba
142145979Andrew Firth M40 SWOCCYM tba
218665076Margaret Reynolds W60 SBOCCYM tba
222800209Peter Colbert M70 SWOCCYM tba
278140962Carolyn Dent W60 BOKGBR tba
282145568Trevor Griffiths M75 BOKCYM tba
321426925Megan Symons W21 SBOCGBR tba
368681957Philip Jenkins M55 SBOCCYM tba
378003113Sarah Jenkins W60 SBOCCYM tba
388509119Gary Waters M75 SBOCGBR tba
458223211Chris Atkins M45 BOKGBR tba
48HireAnthony Payne M45 SBOCGBR tba
49HireJenni Nellist W45 SBOCGBR tba
51HireDavid Palmer M75 BOKGBR tba
52HireNick Dallimore M70 INDGBR tba
558657539Jill Manning W75 SWOCCYM tba
578270457Ian Trussler M65 NWOGBR tba
582096999David Seward M40 SWOCCYM tba
608523085Edward Parsons M70 SBOCCYM tba
6546823Richard Jones M55 SWOCCYM tba
708659789Don Cload M75 NGOCGBR tba
778363931Caroline Potter W60 BOKGBR tba
788181962David Potter M60 BOKGBR tba
838376543Laurence Gossage M75 BOKGBR tba
888641521Jon Heissig M55 INDGBR tba
908070550John Mills M75 SWOCCYM tba
92HireSimon Williamson M65 IndGBR tba
938082607David May M75 SLOWGBR tba
96HireLaura Williams W21 INDGBR tba
97HireChristopher Parsons M21 INDGBR tba
1001409716Huw Thomas M40 BOKCYM tba
1082049797Jeremy Parr M55 SWOCGBR tba

Light Green (20)
2HireKatie Peterson W21 INDCYM tba
23222321Susan Colbert W75 SWOCCYM tba
298450970Nigel Ferrand M65 SWOCCYM tba
308680944Alex Boakes M50 INDGBR tba
318680945Angela Boakes W50 INDCYM tba
4032805Helen Sharp W60 TVOCCYM tba
41HireNoah Gruber M14 INDGBR tba
43HireAlex Charalampidis M12 INDGBR tba
47HireSam Payne M12 SBOCGBR tba
50HireSimon Darke M65 SWOCCYM tba
538090558David Mitchell M65 SBOCCYM tba
548140370Ann Mitchell W55 SBOCCYM tba
69333757Chris Burgues M70 INDGBR tba
75HireCullum Morgan Welch M21 SWOCCYM tba
76HireLachlan Welch M21 INDENG tba
828291700Andrew Ferguson M60 SBOCCYM tba
858138138Christopher Perry M45 INDGBR tba
86HireDebbie Perry W45 INDGBR tba
898641522Nicky Griffin W60 INDGBR tba
998210644Graham Tough M80 SWOCCYM tba

Orange (10)
42HireAyla Gruber W10 INDGBR tba
46HireNicole Ledda W10 INDCYM tba
59438243Janice Hughes W70 IndCYM tba
66HireNoah Moore M12 INDGBR tba
818180264Eunice Carter W60 SBOCCYM tba
102HireGenevieve Strudwick W10 INDCYM tba
103HireMax Strudwick M10 INDCYM tba
104HireCharlie Wealdon M10 INDCYM tba
105HireIoan Dafydd M10 INDCYM tba
106HireTristan Roberts M10 INDGBR tba

Yellow (10)
5HireEira Betts W10 BOFGBR tba
6HireCameron Betts M10 BOFGBR tba
24HireAlaw Williams W10 IndGBR tba
25HireRhydian Williams M10 IndGBR tba
67HireEuan Moore M10 INDGBR tba
71HireRichard Appleford M45 SWOCGBR tba
72HireCeridwen Boon W40 SWOCCYM tba
73HireXander Boon-Oatley M12 INDCYM tba
74HireRogue Boon-Oatley W10 INDCYM tba
10137169Daniel Thomas M10 INDGBR tba

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