Fabian4 Online Entry Service OMM Running Fell Racing British Orienteering Federation


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Adding Postal Entries to the Database

1 Methods

1.1 Postal entries can be added to the Fabian4 database using either:

  • The Standard Web Interface as used by online entrants
  • The Import function

1.2 Standard Web Interface :  This is the same set of web pages as used by the online entrants, until you reach step 4 (Review).  When logged on as an organiser, you can bypass the payment step using a special button.  The standard web interface method is described in section 3 below.

1.3 Import function:  The import function allows you to upload an OE/MT2003 format file containing details of the postal entries.  You might, for example, create an event in OE/MT200x, add the postal entries as they come in, periodically export the entries to a csv file, and upload the csv file into the Fabian4 database.  Further details of this method can be found on the Import/Export support page.

2 Which method should I use?

2.1 Now that the Fabian4 system is integrated with both the British Orienteering and SportIdent UK databases, there is no real advantage in using the import function to add your postal entries.  There are advantages in using the standard web interface as follows:

  1. Contact details - If you wish the Fabian4 database to hold a full set of contact details, for example to print address labels for all entrants, or to bulk email both online and postal entrants, then you should use the web interface (along with the step 5 (Confirmation) button that takes you back to step 1 (Contact).
  2. Event Options - Likewise, if you wish the Fabian4 database to hold the full set of event options (e.g. printed results, camping pitches, etc), then you should use the web interface, adding the requested options in step 3 (Event specific details).
  3. Ease of use - It is arguably easier to add the postal entries via the web interface, since you don't have to worry about exporting them from SI, and then importing them into the Fabian4 database.
3 Instructions for use of the Web Interface
  1. Contact Information - Decide whether you wish to add the correct contact details for all the postal entries.  These are available for download in the "Entry Form Data" export.  You can then use this csv file to print address labels, for example.  If you wish to include postal entries in any bulk email, then ensure that the contact first name & email address fields are completed correctly.  If you are adding the correct contact details, but the entrant has no email address, then use the "organiser's email address" as used by the entry notification emails (these will be filtered out in any bulk email).  If it is not necessary for the database to contain the correct postal contact details, then you may complete step 1 with your own contact details (and use the step 5 "Add next entry existing contact" button - see below).

  2. Login - you must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

  3. Auto Complete - use the auto complete feature in steps 1 and 2 where possible.  Using the feature in step 1 will automatically create all the profiles for that membership unit in step 2.

  4. Ensure that you add all competitors on the paper form currently being processed in step 2.  This associates the competitors with a single form/contact database record, and hence assists with the production of address labels and start time allocation (where required).

  5. Proceed through the normal entry steps until you get to step 4 (Review).  Press the "Add postal entries to database" button.  Note that there is no confirmation step after this.  The entry is added to the database immediately.

  6. Step 5 then presents 2 buttons:
    Add Next Entry (new contact) - This returns you to step 1, clearing the existing step 1 (Contact) & step 2 (Profile) data.
    Add Next Entry (existing contact) - This returns you to step 2, clearing only the existing step 2 (Profile) data.

  7. Under GDPR we are obliged to provide access to an entrant’s personal data.  This is achieve by sending a system generated email to the entrant providing such access.  If the entrant is likely to be unaware that you are using Fabian4 to process your postal entry data, and where you have used their real email address as part of their contact details, then we suggest you email them after adding their entry data with some words along the lines of:

    We are using the Fabian4 entry management system to process both our online and postal entries.  In accordance with your GDPR rights to have access to your personal data you will have received an automated email from the Fabian4 system that includes a secure link to allow you to view and or amend your entry details.  You may wish to check that everything is correct and make any amendments as necessary.

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