Fabian4 Online Entry Service CompassPoint Running Fell Racing British Orienteering Federation


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 Event Configuration 

Competitor Amendments

Use this panel to enable or disable competitor amendments (via the competitor Amend Entry function).
Before you allocated start times you should turn off Class, Start Time Preference and Start Near or Start With Different Club amendments (where applicable).
Before you take the final download you should turn off all Competitor amendments via the master switch.
Disabling Competitor Amendments via the master switch disables changes to event options and competitor answers to questions too.
Note that these settings have no effect on the organiser Amend Entry function which remains fully functional.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Event Options

When an option becomes full (e.g. the campsite) you can disable the option, and amend the option text (e.g. Campsite now full). 

This event has no event options

Start List Display Format (standard or running)

Running events typically have a single class/course (e.g. 1/2 marathon), and allocate specific bib/race numbers using the import function.
The start list for such events can be displayed alphabetically with the race/bib numbers, rather than the Fabian4 pre-allocated
Start Numbers (entry sequence numbers).  Events which do not allocate specific bib/race numbers should use the standard format.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Display Bib/Membership Numbers

Display the competitor Bib (Race) numbers on the start list or the Membership number on the club members list rather than the Entry Number. When on display, the number will show as “tba” until uploaded via the Import function or populated via the organiser Amend Entry page.  Entry Numbers will be hidden to avoid confusion.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Auto allocate bib numbers

To automatically allocate bib numbers for all future entries set the following value to the minimum bib number you wish to start with. The next allocated number will either be this miniumum number or the current maximum value plus 1. Prior to using this feature use the export/import mechanism to allocate bib numbers to existing entrants.
Leave this field blank if you do not wish to auto allocate bib numbers, or clear it if you wish to turn the feature off.
Any bib number, including auto allocated ones, can be overritten via export/import if necessary.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Display Start Times with Seconds

Display all times on the start list to the nearest second (the default is to the nearest minute).

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Entry Fee Bands and Closing Dates

The Fee Bands below automatically close at 23:59:59 on the date specified.  The last band in the list (there may only be 1)
represents the online entry closing date of the event.

To close an event manually set the date to yesterday.  For example if today is 23/05/2010 at 18:00, and the (final) band closing
date is currently 23/05/2010, then setting the date to 22/05/2010 will close the event.  After closing an event you should allow
approximately a further 20 minutes before taking any downloads, in case a competitor is still within the Sage Pay payment process.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Override the name of the "Enter" column link

The final column of the live events list on the home page displays either an opening date (e.g.  "23/09"), "Enter" or "Closed".  The name changes automatically in accordance with the event opening date (as requested) and the final band closing date above.  Typically no further action is required since it is all automatic.

This feature allows you to override the name displayed to the competitor to either "Full" or "Closed" and should only be used in the following 3 scenarios.  The override only applies to the general public and not to the organiser when logged on.

  1. Close entries manually before the final closing date - mark as "Closed".
  2. Indicated the event is full before all the limits (if any) are reached - mark as "Full".  (See the next Keep "Full" Override section too).
  3. To add postal entries after the event is closed - Set the override to "Closed" (below) and amend the closing date (above) to open up the event again (for you as organiser only while you are logged on).  Add the postal entries.  The event can be left in this state in case you wish to add further postal entries later (extend the final closing date further as necessary).

See the tech support page for details of how to add postal entries via the web interface.  You may add postal entries via the import mechanism at any time, even when the event is closed.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Keep "Full" Override even if space available

If all entry classes become full then the Override "Enter" column link (above) is automatically set to "Full". If someone cancels then the Override "Enter" link automatically clears allowing further entries, unless this is prevented via the following setting.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Custom Message in Entry Notification Emails

The entry notification email, sent to a competitor, can include a custom message.  For example there may be special instructions
for late entrants.  All entry notification emails automatically include links to the event website and the event start list as standard.

To test the new message, enter the event as normal, but cancel when you reach the 1st page of the Sage Pay payment process.
If you do not normally receive copies of the these notification emails, then include a special request in step 3.  All event organisers receive a
copy of the email if it includes a special request.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Private Entry / Membership List

Restrict public access to the entry / membership list. When enabled only the event organiser / membership secretary will be able to view the list of names when logged on.

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.


Adjust the Limit values below.
If you are increasing the Limit, then clear the Full flag too (if set).
If you are decreasing the Limit, making the limit effectively full, then tick the Full flag too.
Dynamic changes to the Full flag status, resulting from a new entry, cancellation, or entry class change, are notified by email to the organiser.
If you want a particular limit to stay at Full when someone cancels, or changes entry class out of the associated group of entry classes, then tick Keep Full.
When both the Full and Keep Full flags are ticked, the Limit and Waiting Limit values are ignored.
Also see the 'Keep Full Override even if space available' option above.
Contact Fabian4 Support if you are confused or wish to amend the limit configuration.  See the Statistics page for the current counts.

No limits are set for this event.

Entry on Day Registration Emails

After taking the final exports you can keep online entries open until the registration closing time and receive an email, addressed
to the registration manager, containing just the key elements required for your results software. One email per late entry (form).
Close entries manually at the appropriate time by amending the final closing date (above).

You must be logged on as an organiser to use this function.

Clear Waiting List

This function marks everyone on the waiting list as cancelled and sends them each an email informing them that they have not been sucessful in gaining an entry this time.

Clear All Start Times

If you have imported start times, but notice that you have made an error, then you can clear the times back to Null using the following button.

Update British Orienteering Rankings

The Competitor Data csv V11.0 OE2010 export file has the ability to capture the competitor's current ranking position in the Ranking Points column.
To populate this data from the latest BOF ranking list you can use the following button. This will clear any previous ranking data and populate all competitors with their latest rank.

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