Llangollen Fell Race - 17 miles or 10 miles Start List

Sunday 13 April 2025 Competitor Statistics (Total=170, Online=100%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ‎further details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
Long (17 miles / 3000 feet) (105)
15Jeff Adams M65 Pensby RunnersGBR
35Kevin Allerton M50 Trentham RCGBR
81John Andersson M65 GBR
60James Ashcroft MU23 GBR
169Jonathan Aust M45 East Cheshire HarriersGBR
5Dean Barnett M50 Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
51Andrew Baron M40 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
130Adam Barrie MU23 Edinburgh University Hare & HoundsSCO
125Darren Beach M50 South Cheshire HarriersGBR
11Darren Bentley M50 Running piratesGBR
121Olive Bigmore W45 Cheshire DragonsGBR
131Michael Bishenden MU19 Moray Road RunnersGBR
48Andrew Brady MSEN Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
94Mark Bramall M45 Shropshire ShufflersGBR
76Matt Breakwell MSEN GBR
89Louise Bromley W40 Telford HarriersGBR
175Jez Brown M50 Buckley RunnersGBR
12Sam Brown MSEN Run Free Fell RunnersGBR
33Paul Browne M45 Pensby RunnersGBR
16Krzysztof Brzegowy M50 GBR
29Neil Burdett M50 GBR
28Hannah Carrington W40 GBR
52Michael Chandler MSEN Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
98Justin Cleary MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
135Jonathan Cole M45 Ellesmere Port RCGBR
46Clive Colson M55 GBR
74Katrina Corinaldi-Knott WSEN Cheshire DragonsGBR
41Ross Coulbeck MSEN Staffordshire Moorlands ACGBR
55Joe Crossfield MSEN GBR
53Nat Cunningham W45 Worksop HarriersGBR
26Julie Dala W55 Pensby RunnersGBR
107Peter Daly M55 Glossopdale HarriersGBR
140Andy Dunn M45 Southville RCGBR
91Tom Eames-Hughes MSEN GBR
100Lewis Edwards MSEN South Cheshire HarriersGBR
62Bruce Fanshawe MSEN Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
27Emily Farrimond WSEN GBR
145Mike Frost M50 Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
45Mel Funnell W40 Shropshire ShufflersGBR
2Tim Gears M45 Oswestry OlympiansGBR
132Matthew Griffiths MSEN GBR
143Peter Grimley M45 Oswestry OlympiansGBR
138Peter Hampshire M50 Pensby RunnersGBR
67Natalie Harper WSEN GBR
8Daniel Harris MSEN GBR
96Robert Heggs M50 Chorlton runnersGBR
37Michael Hill M60 GBR
17Tom Hubbard MSEN GBR
106Chris Jackson MSEN Glossopdale HarriersGBR
144Tom Jenkins MSEN Run Free Fell RunnersGBR
126Neil Jones M50 GBR
61Rachel Jones W45 South Cheshire HarriersGBR
69Theresa Jutla W50 Parbold Pink PanthersGBR
148Cath Lancaster W60 Pensby RunnersGBR
90Sam Lees M45 GBR
137Matt Lewis M40 GBR
101Sean Lord M50 Chorlton RunnersGBR
127Rachel McCurrie W40 GBR
19Gemma Mcdermott W40 Cheshire dragonsGBR
134Conor McKeogh MSEN GBR
63Seghir Messamah M65 Eryri HarriersGBR
14Chris Morgan M40 Mersey TriGBR
43Terry Nelson M40 GBR
170Hannah Newcomb W40 Chorlton RunnersGBR
102Andy Nicol M50 Chorlton RunnersGBR
54Tony Northall MSEN GBR
146Dylan Owen M60 Eryri HarriersGBR
38Richard Paddock M65 Mercia FRGBR
71Chris Palmer MSEN GBR
147Tony Parker MSEN Basingstoke & Mid Hants ACGBR
84Nigel Parr M55 Deestriders RCCYM
149James Plumstead MSEN GBR
111Josie Pugh WSEN The NightcrawlersGBR
82Keith Quinton M40 Conwy Trail CrewGBR
9Rebecca Revell WSEN GBR
59Helen Richards W45 Pensby RunnersGBR
93Rachel Ridgway W40 GBR
20Neil Rochester M40 Oswestry OlympiansGBR
136Jan Rogers W60 Chester Triathlon ClubGBR
13Chris Royle M40 Social Hour Run ClubGBR
95Jon Royle M55 Chorley Athletic and Triathlon ClubGBR
42Harry Ruler MSEN GBR
4Polly Safarova WSEN Pensby RunnersGBR
97Ian Sharpe M55 Chorlton RunnersGBR
117Mark Smith M50 North Shields Polytechnic ClubGBR
151John Snell M60 Oswestry OlympiansGBR
150Bryan Stadden M65 Mynydd DuGBR
153Adam Summersgill MSEN GBR
75Christopher Swann M40 South Cheshire HarriersGBR
40Nick Syrett M45 Chorlton runnersGBR
44Andrew Tatton MSEN GBR
77Daniel Theaker MSEN GBR
133Matthew Tobijanski MSEN Wrecsam Tri ClubGBR
113Calum Tomlinson M40 GBR
1Gary Tootle M45 Run sandymoorGBR
3Alice Walton WSEN GBR
31Hannah Wennell W45 GBR
25Alun Williams M55 GBR
115Kerri Williams WSEN GBR
34Glyn Wise MSEN Wrexham Amateur ACGBR
109Neil Wong M50 Pensby RunnersGBR
164Ellie Wood W45 Pensby RunnersGBR
124Alan Woods M50 GBR
116Daniel Yeomans MSEN GBR

Short (10 miles / 1900 feet) (65)
18Paul Alexander M65 PensbyGBR
156Henry Aron MSEN Buckley RunnersGBR
110Charles Ashley M65 Wrexham AACGBR
7Ben Bates M55 GBR
105Paula Bellis W50 Chester Road RunnersGBR
120Caroline Caffery W45 Buckley RunnersGBR
139Toby Carpenter MSEN NAGBR
99Matthew Carroll MSEN GBR
108Ben Clarke M40 GBR
172Neil Clarke M60 Macclesfield Harriers & ACGBR
158Stephen Clesham MSEN Pensby RunnersGBR
64Thomas Clowes MSEN Chorlton RunnersGBR
23Elaine Collins W45 Delamere SpartansGBR
160Dan Croft M55 Vegan Runners UKGBR
68Natasha Culkin WSEN Delamere SpartansGBR
157Stephanie Cunliffe WSEN Pensby RunnersGBR
176Dan Davies MSEN GBR
174Mike Davies M55 GBR
50Olivia Doran WSEN The Kilometre ClubGBR
10Paul Downton M50 GBR
171Robert Duckers M40 GBR
152James Earl M70 GBR
87Michelle Farrell W40 GOG Triathlon ClubGBR
72Joe Fisher MSEN Ambleside ACGBR
32Louise Fletcher W40 Bishops Stortford Running ClubGBR
39Steven Frear M45 GBR
58Steve Gaskell M45 GBR
112Conor Geoghegan MSEN GBR
49Jamie Greenhalgh MSEN The Kilometre ClubGBR
103Nick Grego MSEN GBR
166Jon Hannaway M50 GBR
141Claire Harris WSEN West Cheshire ACGBR
122David Hinde M45 Chester Triathlon ClubGBR
24Peter Hooper M65 GBR
163Mickey Jones MSEN GBR
47Steve Jones MSEN GBR
165Nick Jurd MSEN GBR
92Andy Latham M40 Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
128Andrew Leung M55 HOCGBR
118Katie Lloyd WSEN GBR
88Nelli Lukacs WSEN GBR
161Andrea Lynes W55 Vegan Runners UKGBR
142Natalie Macfarlane WSEN ChorltonGBR
104Ian Mackay M50 Delamere SpartansGBR
70James McMurdo M45 Macclesfield Harriers & ACGBR
56Jonathan Miller M45 GBR
173Rich Monksmith M45 Delamere SpartansGBR
155Jo Morris W45 GBR
159Jon Mulhall M45 GBR
168Liam O’Hara M40 GBR
114Charlotte Prince WSEN Mercia Fell RunnersGBR
65Sara Reeve WSEN Delamere SpartansGBR
85Andre Roberts MSEN N/AGBR
86Mike Roberts M65 GBR
123Paiwan Sarapunya W40 Chester Triathlon ClubGBR
66Ben Scott M45 GBR
22Chris Simmons M40 Delamere SpartansGBR
73James Smith MSEN GBR
162Richard Swift M40 GBR
154Mary Thornton W55 Oswestry OlympiansGBR
119Sam Valman MSEN Beeston ACGBR
57John Whitley M40 GBR
36Tim Williams M50 Chester Triathlon ClubGBR
80Dean Yarwood MSEN GBR
129Susan Yeung W55 GBR

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