Pen Tir Drop Start List

Sunday 16 February 2025 Competitor Statistics (Total=75, Online=99%) Postal entries (nnn*) were last uploaded on 13 February 2025 Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ā€ˇfurther details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
4.2 miles / 1064 ft (75)
1Brigitte Allen W50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
2Dave Andrews M75 Chepstow HarriersGBR
3Tom Annetts M45 Chepstow HarriersCYM
4Brenda Avery W70 Chepstow HarriersGBR
5Emma Bagley W50 GBR
6Julia Bajjada W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
7Rich Baker M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
8Geoff Bayliss M75 Chepstow HarriersGBR
9Jane Bayliss W70 Chepstow HarriersGBR
10James Blore MSEN Chepstow HarriersGBR
11Justin Boyce MSEN GBR
12Lindsey Coode W50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
13Matias Coombs M65 Mynydd DuGBR
14Christopher Cox M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
15Andy Creber M65 Chepstow HarriersGBR
16Nicolalouise Crockett W60 Chepstow HarriersGBR
17Jen Danger Harding W40 Chepstow HarriersGBR
18Simon Darke M65 Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
19Bridget Davies W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
20Rona Davies W65 Mynydd DuGBR
21Paul Dodd M65 Chepstow HarriersGBR
22Caroline Duder W45 Chepstow HarriersGBR
23Barry Evans M55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
24Denise Evans W60 Chepstow HarriersGBR
25Shari Finch W45 Chepstow HarriersGBR
26Richard Foster M45 Monross TrailblazersGBR
27Cherry Fowler W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
28Deb Franklin W60 Chepstow HarriersENG
29Jamie Goddard M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
30Donna Grant W45 Mynyddwyr de Cymru (MDC)GBR
31Neil Grant M70 Chepstow HarriersGBR
32Margaret Griffiths W70 Chepstow HarriersGBR
33Paul Griffiths M70 Chepstow HarriersGBR
34Flora Gunner W60 Croft Ambrey RCGBR
35Dickie Hudd M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
36Andy Hughes M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
37Lisa Jeffrey W50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
38Anne Jenner W60 Chepstow HarriersGBR
39Mark Jones M55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
40Briony Latter WSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
41Matthew Lawson M55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
42Owen McLaughlin M75 Forest of Dean ACGBR
43Emma Mcwilliams W40 Mynydd DuGBR
44Tom Mollekin MSEN Mynydd DuGBR
45Niki Morgan W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
46Jan Morris W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
47Paul Murrin M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
48Mark Nicol M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
49Darren Ould MSEN Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
50Stephen Owen M70 Chepstow HarriersGBR
51Dean Perry M40 BrycheiniogGBR
52Joff Phelps M60 Chepstow HarriersGBR
53Stephen Priestnall M60 GBR
54Ceri Richards M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
55Janet Richards W60 Mynydd DuGBR
56Lisa Riddington W50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
57Tom Riddington M50 Chepstow HarriersGBR
58Jane Rymer W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
59Bob Salter M65 GBR
60Dan Sandford M50 Forest of Dean ACGBR
61James Scott M40 Mynydd DuGBR
62Wes Sheldon M45 Mynydd DuGBR
63Bryan Stadden M65 Mynydd DuGBR
64Alan Stanley M60 GBR
65Thomson Stewart M60 Mynydd DuGBR
66Corinna Tannian W45 Chepstow HarriersGBR
67Tom Turner M40 Mynydd DuGBR
68Wyndham Turner MSEN Mynydd DuGBR
69Andrew Wall M55 Chepstow HarriersCYM
70Nina Wareham WSEN Bristol & District Triathletes (Bad Tri)GBR
71Carrie Williams W45 Chepstow HarriersGBR
72Darran Williams M40 GBR
73Louise Williams W55 Chepstow HarriersGBR
74Marina Wright W45 Spirit of MonmouthGBR
75Georgina Young WSEN GBR

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