Three Peaks Trial Challenge Walk 2025 Start List

Saturday 29 March 2025 Competitor Statistics (Total=722, Online=96%) Postal entries (nnn*) were last uploaded on 26 March 2025 Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. Kit Declaration Form - All entrants must bring a signed Kit Declaration Form (opens new window) and the following kit:

Map* - 1:25,000 or 1:50,000, Compass*, Torch, Whistle, Emergency Rations, simple First Aid Kit - including plasters and a blister kit, Waterproofs - including overtrousers, Sensible footwear - boots with ankle support and good tread; experienced runners should have appropriate footwear.

For contact in an emergency it would also be useful if walkers carried a mobile phone.

* For entrants walking as groups for the entire route, one map and compass for each three entrants is acceptable.
See the Event Website for ‎further details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
Filter by Club = AND Country =   
Name Age
Club Co.
Platinum (117)
15Rhodri ap Dyfrig Meirionnydd RCGBR
17Sarah Arnett Caffeine and CardioGBR
27Kevin Barker GBR
31Stephen Barton GBR
40Walker Ben GBR
60Nick Boswell GBR
61Alyssa Boucher GBR
97Wendy Cann GBR
101Peter Carlick GBR
106Patrick Chance GBR
107Jazz Chandler Bristol & West AC (est. 1882)GBR
119Paul Cocker GBR
133Neil Cooke GBR
149Grant Criddle GBR
161Bryan Davies GBR
165Michael Davies GBR
180Roshan Devonish GBR
184Sunil Dolwani GBR
185Udita Dolwani GBR
202Sara Fabien Trail Running AssociationGBR
210Alan Fishwick GBR
229Jane Geddes GBR
232William Gibbons Mowers GymGBR
236David Gough Mowers gymGBR
238Christopher Grafton GBR
241Ethan Gray GBR
242Sarah Gray GBR
256Ross Hale Mowers GymGBR
258Raymond Hallam GBR
271Jackie Haynes GBR
272Sean Haynes GBR
277James Hewitt TigerBay RamblersGBR
281Philip Hill GBR
286Katie Hodgkinson GBR
287Dave Hodson Tiger bay ramblersGBR
288Laith Hofayz NaGBR
295Marcus Hughes GBR
297Jinx Hundal GBR
302Hayley Jakeman GBR
309Karl James GBR
332Gethin Jones Abergavenny Town CouncilGBR
335Lee Jones GBR
354Jo Knight GBR
361Kayleigh Langley GBR
363Sarah Lart GBR
370Lisa Lazuli GBR
373Mike Leeson GBR
376Alexander Lesniak GBR
377Emma Lesniak GBR
378Andrew Letchford GBR
379Julie Letchford GBR
380Sarah Letchford GBR
383David Lewis GBR
385Georgia Lewis GBR
393David Lloyd GBR
399Tom Lynch GBR
400Alex Manning GBR
409Chantal Martinez Perez GBR
410Pedro Juan Martinez Perez GBR
411Alice Mason-Flucke GBR
412Julian Mason-flucke GBR
415Andrew May GBR
416Mike May GBR
417Philippa May GBR
419Stephen Mayne Dorset LDWAGBR
439Stephen Morgan GBR
440Susan Morgan GBR
441Daisy Morgan-Holmes Lliswerry RunnersGBR
448Carrie Moss GBR
450Paul Moylett Mowers GymGBR
451Janet Mundy GBR
453Ian Munro GBR
455Stewart Murphy GBR
457Ken Murray GBR
463John Newman LDWAGBR
467Simon Newman GBR
468William Nicholson GBR
479Robert O’DWYER GBR
481Mandy O’Hanlon GBR
483Jeremy Olds GBR
485Iwona Orlowska GBR
491Emma Palmer GBR
494Ruth Parfitt GBR
495Jo Parham LDWAGBR
512Kate Phillips GBR
518Emma Plumley Tiger Bay RamblersGBR
525Rhiiannon Price Tiger bay ramblersGBR
527Philip Pritchard GBR
528Tyrone Prosser GBR
530Robbie Quested GBR
551Mark Roe GBR
558Elin Royles GBR
565Lucy Saunders GBR
577Louise Sharman GBR
589Chris Slade GBR
590Claire Slade LDWAGBR
591Nick Slade GBR
594Andrew Smith GBR
597Jason Smith GBR
604Bryan Stadden Mynydd DuGBR
610David Stone Mowers gymGBR
635Keighley Thomas GBR
637Rachel Thomas GBR
645Egan Thomas-Williams GBR
661Ian Trussler GBR
672Rory Waring GBR
680Kelly Weare GBR
682Laura Weston GBR
686Sian Whiteman Caffeine and CardioGBR
687Paul Whitfield Mowers GymGBR
688Emily Whyte Caffeine & CardioGBR
692Chris Williams GBR
701Liam Williams GBR
704Natalie Williams GBR
705Petra Williams GBR
707Terry Williams GBR
714Richard Wood GBR

Gold (471)
1Mark Abrahams GBR
2Cathryn Agate-Clarke GBR
3Kathy Agate-Clarke GBR
4Kate Aitchison GBR
5Iain Akhurst GBR
9Neil Allart GBR
11Alex Anderson GBR
12Nate Anderson GBR
14Tristan Andrews Riviera RacersGBR
18Matthew Arnold GBR
19Luke Aspinall GBR
20Tom Avon GBR
94Caitlin Bailey GBR
21Kate Bailey GBR
22Victoria Bailey GBR
303James Baird GBR
23Will Baker GBR
24Keith Band GBR
25Jenny Barber GBR
26Tomas Barber GBR
28Chloe Barlow GBR
32Julian Bashir GBR
33Gurprit Basran GBR
34Jamie Batchelor GBR
35Denise Batsford GBR
698Steve Batsford -GBR
113Chris Batten GBR
37Chelsea Beegling GBR
659Trevor Beeston GBR
38Nicholas Bellis GBR
41Andrew Benger GBR
42Jamiee Benger GBR
44Lydia Bevan Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
45Phil Bevan GBR
46Tom Bevan GBR
47Christopher Binnion GBR
48Emily Bird GBR
49Brent Bischoff GBR
52Alan Blake GBR
53Robert Blake GBR
54Stephen Blake GBR
55Ben Boden GBR
56Lisa Boden GBR
58Charlie Booth GBR
59Lynne Bosanko GBR
63Adam Bowen GBR
64Ben Bowker GBR
65Joe Bowker GBR
66David Boyce Surrey LDWAGBR
67Darren Bradley GBR
349Kimberley Braznell GBR
74Sarah Brett GBR
75Tom Bright GBR
76Tom Brignell GBR
77Rhiann Brokenshaw GBR
78Erin Brown Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
79Rachel Brown Dursley Running ClubGBR
80Dawn Browne GBR
81Charlotte Brunsdon GBR
83Georgina Bryant GBR
85Lizzie Bumby Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
86Stephen Bungay Spirit of monmouthGBR
89Naomi Burroughes Shredquarters waltonGBR
90Josie Burton GBR
92Esme Buxton GBR
95Jonathan Camp GBR
43Beth Campbell GBR
96Karen Canin GBR
98Giles Capon GBR
99India Capon GBR
100Jack Capon GBR
102Jack Cassell GBR
103Claire Cawley GBR
105Martin Chammings GBR
108Paul Chapman GBR
109Calais Chard GBR
110Cecilia Chard GBR
111Stephen Chard GBR
112Phillipa Cherryson GBR
114Gordon Clark GBR
115Grady Clayton Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
116Andrew Clough GBR
117Matthew Clough GBR
118Jay Coakley GBR
121Abigail Coe GBR
122John Cole GBR
126Anthony Collier GBR
127Dale Collins GBR
128Laura Collins GBR
129John Comer GBR
132Cameron Cook GBR
134Andrew Coombe GBR
135James Cooper GBR
136Rachael Cooper GBR
304James Cording GBR
137Rebekah Coveney GBR
138Gareth Cowell Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
139Gethin Cowell Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
140Jonathan Cox HFBGBR
141Jonny Cox GBR
142Matthew Cox GBR
143Thomas Cox GBR
144Jack Coxall GBR
145Jack Coxall GBR
147Jenny Crees Gilwern LadiesGBR
148Alex Crick GBR
150Catherine Crimmins GBR
151Victoria Crole-Rees Gilwern LadiesGBR
152Penelope Crowne GBR
153Peter Crowne GBR
154Sue Croxford GBR
155Finley Cull Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
156Neil Cutting Caffeine & CardioGBR
157Beth Dando-Faires GBR
158Morgana Daniel GBR
159Catherine David GBR
162David Davies GBR
163Jared Davies GBR
318Jim Davies GBR
164Josie Davies GBR
166Penny Davies GBR
168Jennifer Davis GBR
170Cerys Dawkins GBR
171Peter Day GBR
173Lee Dean N/AGBR
174Oliver Dean GBR
175Thomas Dean GBR
176Wayne Deans GBR
178Andrew Delaney GBR
179Nigel Desmond GBR
181Jude Dinning GBR
183Hannah Dolman GBR
182Mark Dolman GBR
186Robyn Donachie GBR
187Olivia Douch GBR
188Adelaide Dunn GBR
189Thomas Dyer GBR
190Toby Dyson GBR
191Julian Eaton GBR
192Paul Ellis GBR
193Doug Eltham Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
195Amber Evans GBR
196Caroline Evans GBR
197Chris Evans GBR
198Niall Evans GBR
199Rachel Ezulike GBR
200Farias -Thomas Fabian GBR
203Dan Fairbank GBR
204Joseph Fairbank GBR
207Rebecca Finch GBR
208Claire Findlay GBR
209Glenn Findlay GBR
211Arran Fitzgerald GBR
212Phoebe Fletcher Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
213Wesley Fletcher Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
214Julie Foord GBR
215Cecily Foster GBR
216Jodie Foster GBR
217Alex Fouweather GBR
218Jack Fox GBR
219Matthew Fox GBR
220Ted Fox GBR
221William Fox GBR
222Adrian Furniss GBR
223Andrew Gaffney Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
226Richard Garner GBR
227Geoff Gayfer GBR
230Viv Gelder GBR
459Natalie Generalovic GBR
233James Godfrey GBR
234Kerry Goodenough GBR
235Alan Goodwin GBR
237Jack Gough Mowers GymGBR
390Liz Gould GBR
606Steve Gould GBR
240Steven Graham GBR
248Cinead Green GBR
243Clare Green GBR
246Rebecca Green GBR
247Roger Green GBR
249Barry Greenow GBR
250Hywel Griffiths GBR
252Jake Groves GBR
253Michelle Emma Gunn GBR
257Graham Hall GBR
259Ethan Hambleton Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
260Vicky Hann GBR
261Stephen Hares GBR
262Gareth Harris GBR
263Richard Harris GBR
264Amy Harrison Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
265Samuel Hart Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
266Chris Hartwright GBR
267Charlotte Harvey GBR
268Kerry Hassell-Shaw NoneGBR
269Amelia Hatfield GBR
270Katie Hayhurst GBR
273Stephen Helme GBR
274Lydia Hemmings GBR
275Paul Hems GBR
279Ruth Heyes GBR
280Matthew Hill GBR
282Stuart Hill GBR
283Torie Hill GBR
284Kate Hind Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
285Steve Hobbs Mowers GymGBR
289Tim Hoggins GBR
290Janet Holmes GBR
294Janet Hoskin GBR
239Graham Instrell GBR
300Robert Jackson GBR
305Dan James GBR
306Emma-Kate James GBR
308Jo James Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
310Leighton James Jessie's GiantsGBR
311Rhian James GBR
314Helen Jenkins GBR
315Julie Jenkins GBR
316Laura Jilow The Shredquarters WaltonGBR
317Navid Jilow The Shredquarters WaltonGBR
320Eian Johnson GBR
405Mark Johnson GBR
322Issy Johnston Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
323Abigail Jones Spirit of monmouthGBR
324Alex Jones GBR
328Chris Jones GBR
329Dan Jones GBR
330Gareth Jones GBR
331Gareth Jones Mynyddwyr De Cymru (MDC)GBR
333Jo Jones GBR
334Katy Jones GBR
336Libby Jones GBR
337Mandy Jones GBR
338Morgan Jones GBR
339Sam Jones GBR
340Samantha Jones GBR
341Steffan Jones GBR
342William Jones GBR
344Agnieszka Kasperek GBR
345Aleksander Kasperek GBR
347David Kennedy GBR
350Stuart Kirk GBR
351Andrew Knight GBR
352Colin Knight NoneGBR
353Gareth Knight GBR
355Kieran Knight GBR
356Martin Knight GBR
357Barbara Kudrawczuk GBR
358Natalia Kuliaba GBR
359David Laing GBR
360Haf Lane GBR
362Mark Langley GBR
364Sally Latto GBR
367Ivan Lawrence Mowers GymGBR
368Peter Lay GBR
369David Lay-Pettifer GBR
371Josh Lee GBR
374Benjamin Leonard GBR
375Richard Leonard GBR
381Aaron Lewis GBR
384Emily Lewis GBR
386Rhys Lewis GBR
388Rollo Lewis GBR
389Sam Lewis GBR
392Wayne Lloyd GBR
394Stuart Lofts GBR
395Owen Long GBR
397James Luff GBR
398Neil Luff GBR
403Tracey Mapp GBR
406Chevonne Martenz GBR
407Deirdre Martin GBR
408Taliesin Martin GBR
414Stan Matthews Mowers GymGBR
418Adrian Mayers GBR
420Tony McArthur GBR
421Lee McClusky GBR
422Paul McCullough Mid Wales LDWAGBR
424Eamonn McGreevy GBR
425Micaela McGurk GBR
426Benjamin McGurk-Brignell GBR
427Charlotte McGurk-Brignell 2011GBR
428Will McLean Mynydd DuGBR
429Lisa Meadows GBR
430Patrick Meadows GBR
432Paul Methven LDWAGBR
434David Milsom GBR
435Luke Mitchell GBR
436Tim Monckton GBR
437Joseph Morden GBR
413Matt Morden GBR
438Conor Morgan GBR
537Rhys Morgan GBR
442Charlotte Morris GBR
443Craig Morris GBR
372Lee Morris GBR
446Nene Morris GBR
447Vicki Morris GBR
449Dave Mothershaw GBR
452Joanne Munnelly GBR
462Neil Murphy GBR
456Charlotte Murray GBR
458Eve Murzyn GBR
461Kevin Neil GBR
470Alex Noga GBR
471Beatrice Norris GBR
473Harry Norris GBR
472Paul Norris GBR
474Claire Northey GBR
475John Northfield GBR
478Caitlin O’Callaghan GBR
480Megan O’Farrell GBR
486Nia Pack GBR
487Karen Packer GBR
488Keith Packer GBR
489Mark Packer Littledown HarriersGBR
490Leigh Paige GBR
492Richard Palmer GBR
496Andrew Parker GBR
497Bethan Parker GBR
498Rhys Parry GBR
499Neil Patrick GBR
500Amanda Peacock GBR
501Ben Pearson GBR
502Catherine Peel GBR
503Karl Pendry GBR
505Karen Perrier ENG
506Fiona Perrigo GBR
507Rhod Perryman GBR
509Samantha Pforr Shredquarters WaltonGBR
511Jackie Phillips GBR
513Kevin Phillips GBR
514Odette Phillips GBR
516Leianna Pitt GBR
517Leon Plouviez GBR
520Kerry Poston GBR
521Andrew Price GBR
522Chris Price GBR
523Jed Price GBR
524Nathan Price GBR
529Mike Proven GBR
546Robert Pugh GBR
531Lee Randell GBR
532Alison Reardon GBR
533Jason Reardon GBR
536Paul Revill GBR
538Robin Rice GBR
541Joseph Richardson GBR
542Ruth Richardson GBR
545Omar Riyani GBR
547Madelyn Robertson GBR
548Sadie Robertson GBR
549Kevin Robinson GBR
550Fleur Rodriquez GBR
554Christina Rose GBR
552Donna Rose GBR
553Levi Rose GBR
555Euan Ross GBR
556Lisa Roughley GBR
559Luke Rutter GBR
560Louise Ryan-Scales GBR
723Clare Sage GBR
561Jonathan Salt GBR
160David Sanders GBR
564Ross Satchell GBR
566Steve Savage GBR
567James Scales GBR
568Joseph Scott GBR
571Wendy Scrimgeour GBR
572Mark Serpell GBR
573Sylvia Serpell GBR
574Jessica Sewell GBR
575David Seymour GBR
576Liz Shafir GBR
616Lisa Sharpe GBR
578Nicola Sharp-Jeffs GBR
579Lee Shelard Mowers GymGBR
582Paul Short GBR
583Rachel Siglow GBR
584Martin Simmons Mowers GYmGBR
586Jamie Sims GBR
587Gurbausch Singh Malap GBR
588Jack Skinner GBR
592Nick Sloper Spirit of MonmouthGBR
595Ella Smith GBR
596Elta Smith GBR
600Rachel Smith GBR
601Rowley Smith GBR
602Scott Spanswick GBR
603Tim Spearing GBR
605Cam Stagg GBR
608Luke Stokes GBR
609Oliver Stokes GBR
611Tim Streatfield GBR
614Craig Sulway GBR
615Katharine Sulway GBR
617Michael Swain GBR
620Eddie Sykes GBR
621Mary Synge LDWAGBR
622Tim Synge Teignbridge TrottersGBR
624Debbie Taylor GBR
626Kate Taylor GBR
627Wayne Templeman Mowers GymGBR
628Aled Thomas South Wales LDWAGBR
630Carl Thomas GBR
631David Thomas GBR
642Dell Thomas Mowers GymGBR
632Jane Thomas GBR
633Jessica Thomas GBR
634Josh Thomas GBR
643Lucy Thomas GBR
638Sarah Thomas GBR
640Stephen Thomas GBR
641Stephen Thomas GBR
644Natalia Thomas-Alvarez GBR
646Craig Thompson GBR
647Jack Thurston GBR
648Charlie Tier Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
649Steve Tilling GBR
650Charlotte Todd GBR
651Ted Tomkins GBR
652James Townley GBR
653Julie Townley GBR
656Amy Tredwell GBR
657Carreg Tredwell GBR
658Vicki Trevett GBR
660Nicola Trigg GBR
663Olivia Veitch Britannia Explorer UnitGBR
664Kate Wadsworth GBR
665David Wakeham GBR
666Jade Wakley GBR
667James Wakley GBR
669Thomas Walker GBR
670Tom Walker GBR
674Michaela Watkins GBR
675Stuart Watkins GBR
676David Watson GBR
677Daniel Wattimena GBR
678Kathryn Watts GBR
679Matt Wayman GBR
681Beth Weaver GBR
683Rhys Westwood GBR
684Ryan Westwood GBR
8Ali White GBR
685Gavin White Hornton Fat BlokesGBR
689Rebecca Wignall GBR
690Caleb Williams GBR
691Chloe Williams GBR
693Danielle Williams GBR
695Gareth Williams GBR
696James Williams GBR
697James Williams GBR
699Katie Williams GBR
700Kelly Williams GBR
702Luke Williams GBR
703Matt Williams GBR
706Sophie Williams GBR
708Matthew Willis GBR
709Sean Willis GBR
710Geraint Wilson GBR
711Nicola Wiltshire GBR
712Jenna Wood GBR
713Matthew Wood GBR
715Simon Woods GBR
716Simon Woolf The Hornton Fat BlokesGBR
717James Young N/AGBR
718Louisa Young GBR
719Robert Young GBR
720Maria Younger GBR
721Jaine Yule GBR
722Harvey Zelly-Gamblin GBR

Silver (95)
6Nicola Akhurst GBR
10Jane Allely GBR
629Thomas Beard GBR
724Adela Boardman LDWAGBR
57Zosia Bojanowski GBR
68Claire Branchflower GBR
69Katie Branchflower GBR
70Mike Branchflower GBR
71Thomas Branchflower GBR
72Rhonda Brandrick GBR
73Sue Brannam GBR
82David Brunsdon GBR
88Megan Burke GBR
91Philip Butler GBR
93Sarah Cadman GBR
104Catherine Chammings GBR
123Darren Collett GBR
124Kate Collett GBR
125Steve Collett GBR
130Amber Condy GBR
131Micheal Connors GBR
146Kieron Crane GBR
167Eliana Davis GBR
172Sue Day Early Bird RamblersGBR
177Emma DeClaire GBR
194Julie Esmond Early bird ramblersGBR
205Caleb Filsell GBR
206Matthew Filsell GBR
224Adam Gardiner GBR
225Lyndsay Gardner GBR
244Mel Green Wye Valley RunnersGBR
254Susie Gurner GBR
255Amanda Haines Early Bird RamblersGBR
276Yvette Hendra GBR
278Tim Hewlett GBR
291Dilwyn Hopkins GBR
292Kathryn Hopkins GBR
293Rhys Hopkins GBR
296James Humphries GBR
298Jonathan Hurford GBR
299Donaldson Ian HFBGBR
307Gary James Crickhowell Running ClubGBR
312Ryan James GBR
313Sacha James GBR
319Clare Johnson Y Fenni TriGBR
321Fay Johnson GBR
325Andy Jones Wye Valley RunnersGBR
327Catherine Jones GBR
534Rebecca Jones GBR
348Mark Ketteringham GBR
391Kitty Llewellyn GBR
401Benjamin Manning GBR
402Nathan Manning GBR
423Anna McGreevy GBR
431Bannister Megan GBR
433Jim Middleton GBR
444Kate Morris NoneGBR
445Lee Morris NoneGBR
454Jules Murphy GBR
460Barbara Neale Early Bird RamblersGBR
464Paul Newman GBR
465Richard Newman GBR
466Sharon Newman GBR
476Paul Notman GBR
477Linda Nowaczyk Early BirdsGBR
493Mollie Parfitt GBR
504Paul Perkin GBR
508Emma Peters GBR
515June Piper Early Bird RamblersGBR
526Robert Price GBR
535Shaun Regan GBR
539Morgan Richards GBR
540Peter Richards GBR
543Katie Rimell GBR
544Matthew Rimell GBR
557Eve Rowlands GBR
563Alison Samways Early bird ramblersGBR
569Nicola Scott NoneGBR
570Stuart Scott NoneGBR
580Osian Shipp NoneCYM
581Richard Shipp NoneGBR
585Andy Simpson GBR
598Katy Smith GBR
599Meg Smith GBR
612Ian Struthers GBR
613Nicola Struthers GBR
619Eddie Sykes GBR
618Emily Sykes GBR
396Lucy Synge GBR
623Howard Tann Great Western RunnersGBR
639Sarah Thomas GBR
662Wayne Turnbull GBR
668Matthew Walduck GBR
671Stephen Walters Mowers gymGBR
7Alexis Wiseman GBR

Bronze (39)
29Philip Barnes NAGBR
30Suzanne Barnes NAGBR
50Craig Bishop GBR
51Šárka Bishop GBR
62Angela Bowe GBR
13Andrew Britton GBR
84Caitlin Bucher-Flynn GBR
87Natasha Burgon GBR
120Laura Cockram GBR
169Lorna Davis GBR
201Jason Fabien Trail Running AssociationGBR
228Michael Gearon GBR
231Philip George GBR
510Philip George GBR
251Russell Griffiths NAGBR
607Steven Hunt GBR
301Laura Jacobs GBR
343Andy Karran GBR
346Michlelsen Keith NAGBR
365Celine Launay GBR
366Nicolas Launay GBR
382Alan Lewis GBR
36Becki Lewis GBR
39Ben Lewis GBR
387Rhys Lewis GBR
404Rosanna Marini GBR
469Nathalie Nicolaus GBR
482Stanislava Obermajerova GBR
484Tiago Oliveira GBR
519Monica Portway GBR
16Aranka Pratt GBR
562Gabriela Samples GBR
593Amy Smith GBR
625Joanna Taylor GBR
636Olga Thomas GBR
654Rebecca Townley GBR
655Robin Townley GBR
673Lowri Watkins GBR
694David Williams GBR

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