Lyra Hope 5 Start List

Friday 06 September 2024 Competitor Statistics (Total=124, Online=98%) Note that this start list is sorted by Surname, and then Forename. See the Event Website for ‎further details. Use the competitor Amend Entry function to view and/or amend your details.
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Name Age
Club Co.
5 mile (72)
401Anne Alldread W65 Derwent and Dales WalxGBR
402Helen Andrews W60 GBR
403Clare Barker WSEN NoneGBR
404Andrew Bee M60 Redhill Road RunnersGBR
405Scott Beighton M45 Derbyshire DynamosGBR
406Nicola Bennett W50 GBR
407Sonia Burns W45 Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
408Russell Cartwright M55 GBR
409Helen Clarke W40 Mickleover JoggersGBR
410Sally Clayton W55 WALXGBR
411Emma Cochrane W50 Mickleover JoggersGBR
412Sarah Colburn W45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
413Adam Coleman M45 Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
414Chris Connolly M50 Mickleover JoggersGBR
415Francis Connolly M50 GBR
416Joe Connolly M55 Jog DuffieldGBR
417Mike Corne M60 Jog DuffieldGBR
418Margaret Cowling W70 Shelton StridersGBR
419Vivienne Craven M45 Redhill Road RunnersGBR
420Paul Crossley M45 GBR
421Susan Crowley WSEN GBR
468Emily Davies WSEN GBR
422Wayne Davies M50 Team Derby RunnerGBR
423Dean Dodsworth M55 Mickleover running clubGBR
424Linda Dodsworth W60 Mickelover running clubGBR
425Samantha Douglas-Cregan WSEN Long Eaton Running ClubGBR
426Vincent Fabris M50 Phœnix runningGBR
427Rachel Farrow W40 Shelton StridersGBR
428Alex Ferguson M55 Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
429Pam Ferguson W55 Team Derby RunnerGBR
430Zack Ferguson MU17 Team Derby RunnerGBR
431Amanda Gibson WSEN GBR
432Dorothy Gibson W45 GBR
433Julia Goyski W60 Walx Derwent &DalesGBR
469Kiera Greaves W40 Jog DuffieldsGBR
434Clare Gregory W50 Team Derby RunnerGBR
435Laura Hayward W40 Derwent Runners DerbyGBR
436Rob Higson M40 Shelton StridersGBR
437Mark Ison M45 Team Derby Runner nerGBR
438Wayne Johnson M40 Mickleover running clubGBR
439Caroline Jordan W50 Love2jogGBR
440Helen Joy W45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
441Stefan Joyce M45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
442Alan Langton M75 Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
443Lisa Latham W50 GBR
tbaDamian Lightoller MSEN Team Derby RunnerGBR
444Kenny Malton MSEN Shelton StridersGBR
445Karin Mann W70 Walx Derwent and DalesGBR
446Richard Masi M45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
447Tony Neave M55 NoneGBR
448Dean Osborne M45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
449Sam Pilgrim MSEN GBR
450Kerry Pooles W50 GBR
451Fiona Porter W55 Derwent & Dales WalxGBR
452Juliet Potter W40 Charnwood ACGBR
453Andrew Powell M40 Shelton StridersGBR
454Lisa Ricketts W40 Rogue Running RipleyGBR
455Jenny Romeo W40 Mickleover Running ClubGBR
tbaJake Rowland MSEN Team Derby RunnerGBR
tbaHannah Saunders W45 Mickleover Running ClubGBR
456Anthony Sinclair MSEN GBR
457Emma Suess WSEN GBR
458Richard Tissington M50 Shelton StridersGBR
459Christine Todd W70 GBR
460Mick Tuckwood M60 Sinfin RCGBR
461Richard Turner M45 Team Derby RunnerGBR
462Brian Warner M55 Sinfin Running ClubGBR
463Richie Wheatcroft M55 Shelton StridersGBR
464Ian Willson M55 Jog DerbyshireGBR
465Amanda Wilson W55 Shelton StridersGBR
466Rebecca Yates W45 Mickleover Running ClubGBR
467Caroline Young W60 Derwent runners DerbyGBR

5 km (50)
110Clare Adsetts W45 GBR
111Ed Bates M40 PheonixGBR
112Debra Berry W55 GBR
113Jeni Berry W55 GBR
114Jack Bollard MU23 Jog DuffieldGBR
115Hayley Brailsford W50 GBR
116Judith Brand W70 Hermitage HarriersGBR
117Dennis Ceranic M60 Sinfin RCGBR
118June Colquhoun W60 Jolly joggersGBR
119Christopher Cotter MU11 GBR
120Gemma Cotter W40 GBR
121James Cotter MU14 GBR
122Chris Donald W60 Shelton StridersGBR
123Kathryn Fetherston W45 GBR
tbaFlorence Frost WU14 LongfordGBR
156Katie Frost W45 LongfordGBR
124Sinder Gill W55 GBR
125Denise Gillott W50 Smalley Road RunnersGBR
126Mark Groves M55 Sinfin Running ClubGBR
127Sheila Groves W55 Sinfin Running ClubGBR
128Frederick Harrison MU14 Derby ACGBR
129Julie Heithus W60 GBR
130Tracy Hepburn W55 Shelton StridersGBR
131Bob Hewins M55 Derwent Runners (Derby)GBR
132Cath Johnston W70 GBR
133Alexandra Jones WSEN GBR
134Isaac Jones MU14 GBR
135Noah Jones MU12 Derby athleticsGBR
136Magda Lakomska W50 MRCGBR
137Andrea Laughton W45 GBR
138Angela Monk W60 Shelton StridersGBR
139Lucy Nickels WSEN GBR
140Dawn O’Hara W50 Sinfin RCGBR
141Helen Purdy W55 GBR
142Chris Roe M50 GBR
143Susan Rogers W50 Jog DerbyshireGBR
tbaWilliam Saunders MU12 Derby ACGBR
144Addison Smith MU17 GBR
145Emma Smith W45 GBR
146Lucy Tuckwood W50 Sinfin RCGBR
147Charlotte Twells WU23 Phoenix RunningGBR
148Tina Twells W55 Phoenix RunningGBR
149Jennifer Victory W45 Love2JogGBR
150Nicky Wells W45 GBR
151Jake Whittaker MSEN GBR
152Katie Withers WSEN GBR
tbaAyla Witherspoon WSEN Team Derby RunnerGBR
153Baz Worgan M40 GBR
154Phoebe Worgan WU17 GBR
155Zowie Worgan WSEN GBR

Donation only (no run) (2)
tbaChris Duro M60 GBR
tbaAlisa Trubilina WSEN Team Derby RunnerGBR

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