Your first name (e.g. Roger)
'Title Case' style
Your number as printed on your
BOF / SOA membership card
Your last name (e.g. Smith or van der Heijden)
'Title Case' style for the final word
1st line of your address
'Title Case' style
(optional) 2nd line of your address
'Title Case' style
Town or City
'Title Case' or UPPERCASE
Enter 000 if not applicable (e.g. for countries without postcodes)
(optional) Include country code if non UK
(e.g. +44 1879 732538 or 01879 732538)
For event critical SMS messages.
Include country code if non UK
(e.g. +44 7775 732538 or 07775 732538)
Type None if you do not own a mobile.